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Miraculous Brightside monastery

Genesis of the Miracle

"As above, So Below."

Brightside - 3D chat world As it's been said before, the monastery was built as a sacrifice to Gods and some of its miraculous qualities are connected with that fact with no doubt. Also, the huge amount of effort, time and faith Aurelius had put into this building can't be ignored in any serious consideration on this subject. But beside those few obvious things there is a subtle secret, for a long time known amongst the chosen only and now revealed to the mankind, thanks to Reverend Theodor Present - The First Patriarch of E-Commercial Church. Here is what he says about the inner, hidden working of the monastery in his famous theological bestseller Believe and get Rich (soon at Amazon.com).


Brightside - 3D chat world "...it is only partially known that the guy was not interested only in programming and world architecture but in Psychology and probably some secret sciences, also. If you look at that work as a whole, his intention to produce good vibrations higher, in upper levels of consciousness, becomes obvious. What is important to note in this case is the role of virtual world, it is not a simulation of reality as it might seem at first sight, it is an instance of an Astral or some other higher mental plane. In theory, believers could get similar effects without computer or any equipment, just by visualizing similar scene, but that technique use to be annoying and often gives no results but sleep...so, what is actually happening during pilgrimage to Brightside is next: by Being There, spinning Prayer Wheels and forcing Electric Monks doing Euro Om Mantra visitor, in fact, creates good vibrations in upper levels of mind and those vibrations are then increased by multiuser technology and sent over the Internet all the way down, through the CPU and rest of the hardware, to the material world and he finishes immersed in his own synthetically created and amplified optimism. And optimism has its natural influence over reality, as well known...That's it. As above, So Below. That is the Law..."

Enjoy your visit to this holy place, believe and get rich!

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