VRInternal 3D interactive Brightside - miraculous monastery
TV Republic - Credits
Game Mechanics
3D World

All names, characters and scenes are fictive.

Game is mostly inspired by development of some postcommunistic societies.

Beside of reality great influence on this work had, first of all, the book "Fisherman of human souls" - "Manipulation by ideas or idea of manipulation" by Dr. Djuro Susnjar.

There are numerous science fiction classics, of course

George Orwell - "1984.", "Animal farm"
Aldouz Haksli - "Brave new world"
Evgenij Zamjatin - "We"
Filip Dik - "Ubik"
and many others

Freeland - TV Republic is sequel of the work started at the beginging 1999.
"VRML Trilogy - Slobodantown 2004. - TV Republic"

Zlatomir Zarkov

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