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TV Republic - media misuse

"Propaganda is the deliberate, systematic attempt to shape perceptions, manipulate cognitions, and direct behavior to achieve a response that furthers the desired intent of the propagandist."
- Garth S. Jowett and Victoria O'Donnell, Propaganda And Persuasion

Main source of this work was the book "Fisherman of human souls" - "Manipulation by ideas or idea of manipulation" by Dr. Djuro Susnjic.

Of course, the same subject is described by numerous SF classics George Orwell - "1984.", "Animal farm", Evgenij Zamjatin - "We", Aldouz Haksli, Filip Dik and many others.

There is a lot of theory on the Web covering medias and disintegration of SFRY, for better understanding of the gameplay and its actuality.

Use and Abuse of Media in Vulnerable Societies

Yugoslavia and Afghanistan - How to Understand Media Spin

Media Disinformation on the War in Yugoslavia: The Dayton Peace Accords Revisited

How Yugoslavia's destroyers harnessed the media

A review of Media Cleansing: Dirty Reporting - Journalism and Tragedy in Yugoslavia GOOD VERSUS EVIL - how the media got it wrong in Yugoslavia

TV Republic is a sequel of the work started during the bombing of SRY, at the beginning of 1999. "VRML Trilogy - Slobodantown 2004. - TV Republic"

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